Ever have a day where you just can’t seem to get going? Today’s my day. I have a list of things to do – I’m a huge list maker – but it’s 11:30 and all I’ve done is a load of wash. No, that’s not true. I’ve been puttering. It rained last night and the yard looks so fresh in the sun. Planting marigolds sounds so much better than cleaning toilets, don’t you think? Of course, if this kitchen floor doesn’t get washed soon, I’ll be able to plant marigolds on it, too!
Even Terry the Cat wants to be outside. The sun is warm and so is the patio. His usual routine is to move from the bed where he spent the night, to the kitchen chair where he’ll spend the day, stopping by the food bowl to keep his energy up. Hey, it’s a long walk!
I usually don’t have to plant marigolds. I let them stay all winter and the seeds the finches miss sprout in the spring. This winter was a hard one and either the finches were super hungry or my seeds froze. Only two sprouted. I’ve added zinnias and cosmos seeds so we’ll see what comes up. Once the flowers were planted, there was quack grass to be pulled and then I noticed my fernicus vinus had sprouted. Yes, fernicus vinus is my scientific name for the ferny vines that sprout every year. I planted seeds long ago and all I can remember is they’re a member of the morning glory family.
Pulled more weeds. Checked the vegetable garden -it’s still there. Counted goldfish – they’re still there. Checked the work I did this weekend – hasn’t changed. Now I’m sitting here writing a post about nothing at all. Guilt is driving me to clean those bathrooms. Maybe I’ll clean one. There’s a rose out back that still needs pruning and I forgot to check the fledglings in the robin’s nest and see how Mrs. Sparrow’s eggs are coming along in the dried up climbing rose.